A Nation Changing Prayer Movement from Wales, for Wales
What are we?
Prayernet Cymru is a fast-growing national bi-lingual prayer movement. Christians from many streams and denominations are coming together with a longing to see God’s kingdom come in power and glory to every home and community in Wales.
Prayernet Cymru is led by its founder, Daphne Godwin, with the support of others.
Our Vision
That a network of Christians rises up across every community in Wales to pray for their community and speak Godly blessing over it until God breaks in and his kingdom breaks out in overwhelming power, leading to revived Christians and tidal waves of new believers who will become radical disciples of Jesus Christ, leading to the transformation of families and communities as the works of darkness collapse and captives are set free.
What we do?
We seek to engage one or more Christians in every community to prepare the way of the Lord by breaking the rule of darkness and opening the door to the light of God’s inbreaking kingdom through consistent weekly intercession that:
the mighty rule of God would break into their community;
an awesome sense of God’s presence would arise;
Christians and leaders would be revived;
Jesus would be revealed to people in his glory, love and saving power;
revolution and transformation would come to lives, relationships and communities.
And by consistently supporting intercession by speaking the blessings of God over their community.
How did it come about?
Amongst those present were Roy and Daphne Godwin, at that time the Directors of Ffald y Brenin. Those words burned within them for years.
Twenty years later, in Spring 2021, Daphne found herself being firmly nudged by the Holy Spirit to engage with the realisation of those words. She contacted Mary Bayes and others, and very quickly the network was born. There are about 3,100 actual named communities in Wales. Within just a few months over 1,000 communities were already enrolled.
A network of Regional Coordinators covers the whole of Wales. Each seeks to have a named Christian in every community in their area, and they are responsible for encouraging and supporting them in their intercession, invocation and blessing.
Support includes a bi-lingual Newsletter/encouragement sent out at intervals to help you keep going. Jesus knows our weaknesses and says of prayer, don’t give up (Luke 18:1). The 7-part video based Blessings Course teaches how to minister blessing over people and communities.
Will you commit yourself to intercede regularly for your community and the people around you?
There are around 2,000 unsupported communities at present; will you step up and play your part?
Register through the link below and we will connect you with your regional facilitator.
Register Here